Tasmanian Philatelic Society

Established 1900

Exchange Branch

Buy and sell stamps through the Tasmanian Philatelic Society  exchange branch. Available to members only.

Some typical Exchange Branch Pages

One of the principal benefits of membership of the TPS is participation in the Exchange Branch Members receive books of exchange sheets at regular intervals from which they can buy stamps at very reasonable prices. The arrival of exchange books is generally eagerly awaited and selections can be made at home where all your reference material is available. The variety and quality of material on offer depends of course on the vendors.

We need more vendors so that the Exchange Branch remains healthy and with a wide variety of material to interest the greatest possible range of buyers. We therefore encourage all members of the TPS to make up exchange sheets with their surplus material and participate in the exchange system. Turn your spare stamps into cash so that you can buy the material you want! A file containing a copy of the blank exchange sheet can be found by clicking here. You can print the sheet out and then photocopy it to make as many sheets as you require. Send your completed sheets to Dick Williams, PO Box 274, Kettering 7155 or take them to a TPS monthly meeting where I will receive them and issue a receipt.

The Exchange Branch charges a commission of 12½% on sales to cover costs and the Exchange Superintendent’s time. So whether you want to dispose of surplus philatelic material or to have a profitable sideline in selling stamps, help the Society and your fellow collectors by submitting material for the exchange sheets. Dick Williams Exchange Superintendent. Note: if you wish to join the TPS and receive Exchange books, you will need to provide two referees on your application form. Our Exchange circuits operate in greater Hobart and Launceston.   Download a blank Exchange Book sheet