Deloraine postmark types

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Geoff Dane
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Deloraine postmark types

#1 Post by Geoff Dane » Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:52 pm

In the green books a written description of the 3 Type 1 Deloraine postmarks is given. While the postmark dates can be used to identify the types can someone with nice clear examples post them to the bulletin board as a reference set? This probably applies not only to Deloraine but other towns with slight variations in both circular and BN types.

Peter Allan
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Re: Deloraine postmark types

#2 Post by Peter Allan » Sun Jul 19, 2009 11:01 pm

Thanks for raising this. Until now I had not taken much notice of these three types. I am a little reluctant to post my examples as they are not perfect, and I am not totaly convinced one is correct. In the absence of other posts however, I will up-load them. Hopefully someone will come along with better examples so we can all have a reference set. This would make a good addition to the web site if we can get better examples and a bit more certainty aboiut the type (iii).
Type 1 - i . I am as sure as I can be this is the type (i) referred to in the Green Books. Its on a Post Card dated Au 15 1901 so date wise it fits, and the small frame and cramped lettering look right.
Type (ii) - identified by the clear circle stops although not within the normal date range. The Green books do say its sometimes found later than 24.3.03 Definately a larger circle and more spaced lettters
Type( iii) this is where I am not sure. It may be 1mm larger in frame than the type (i), but I can't be sure(this example appears to be 24mm diamater, while the type i seems 23mm but due to smudging of the strike I can't be certain about the measurements). The letters look slighly more spaced and larger, and date wise it should be the iii, but still, its very hard to see the difference. I have added the type (I) alongside for comparison

John Hardinge
Posts: 270
Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:47 pm

Re: Deloraine postmark types

#3 Post by John Hardinge » Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:03 pm

Ther are only actually two types here. First type introduced in 1884 to replace the old "arc" CDS and ceasing use approx 1918(late date 20.2.1918). It was recut in March 1905(late date before recut 7.3.1905, early date after recut 17.3.1905). It is much clearer and sharper for a period after the recut. The second type has circle stops and was introduced early 1900(early date 6.6.1900) and was used until 1933(late date 23.2.1933). It is a bit rarer in the pictorial period as was used on parcels and in the telegraph area and only occasionaly on general post.


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